Contrast Ultrasound
Discover the therapeutic applications of ultrasound through the Focused Ultrasound Foundation. The International Contrast Ultrasound Society (ICUS) is also a great resource if you want an introduction to contrast-enhanced ultrasound.
Relevant academic societies include the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society (UFFC).
Why Join The Ec(h)osystem?
If you’re aiming for a career in biomedical ultrasound technology development, UNC and the Triangle area in NC offer unmatched opportunities:
- The Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC/NCSU was awarded a T32 predoctoral institutional training grant focused on ultrasound medical technology development. This NIH NIBIB supported program, UNMUTED, is led by Prof. Caterina Gallippi and brings together ultrasound, clinical and commercialization mentors to support the next generation of innovators.
- With one of the highest concentrations of ultrasound research labs in the world, the ULTRASONC consortium brings together 17 principal investigators with a strong track record of technology development, translation, collaboration and mentorship.
- The UNC Radiology Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC) offers unique opportunities for clinical and multimodal imaging collaboration.
Undersea Medicine and Performance
In 2024, the National Academies workshop “Emerging Technology to Address Naval Undersea Medicine Needs” marked a 20-year review of the state of the field. Discover more about this pivotal effort and access the Proceedings.
Explore related initiatives led by the US Office of Naval Research (ONR) Code 342 and stay up-to-date by reviewing their annual program review materials and key publications.
Key academic medical societies in this domain include the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society (UHMS), the Aerospace Medical Association (ASMA), and their international counterparts, such as EUBS and SPUMS.
Why Join The Ec(h)osystem?
UNC and the Triangle area of North Carolina offer unparalleled opportunities for innovation in undersea human performance research. With strong local clinical and outreach partnerships, our lab brings a fresh biomedical engineering perspective into this critical field.
- Located just 25 minutes away, we collaborate closely with the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine at Duke. Learn about the history and legacy of Duke Hyperbarics.
- Our lab works closely with the Divers Alert Network, headquartered just 20 minutes from campus. Learn more about DAN’s history.
- We are dedicated to attracting, training and retaining an elite STEM workforce on the national and international stage. Learn more about our initiatives #ONR-STEM.